"I first met Snezana when she was helping with another rescue group and she was part of the team that rescued Doris. She was found on the rubbish dump at a month or so old. Unfortunately her siblings didn’t make it but Doris got to safety. At the time I had a cat who under no terms would welcome a dog so I sent money to the team to keep her safe. A couple of months later I lost my Alfie and after thinking long and hard I decided to adopt Doris. She arrived in March 2020 and she was perfect from day one. Always been a wonderful friendly girl with a gentle nature.
Mid 2020 a friend called me to say a stray cat had got into her mums house and had three kittens and one was desperate for a home. Knowing I’m a soft touch I adopted Stan when he was old enough.
Stan and Doris were great almost immediately and within a month they were mates.
Towards the end of last year I saw a photo on Snezana's FB page with this scruffy looking kitten on it, with huge ears. She was out looking for stray dogs and found a bedraggled kitten. I asked to name her, and I called her Flo. Again, I paid to keep her safe until a home could be found. Again, my heart overruled me and I said I would adopt her as soon as she could travel. She has now been with me for 4 weeks and it’s like she has always been here. She gets on fine with the other two, and I think Doris is happy Stan has someone else to annoy. I love them all so much and I can honestly say adopting my two from Macedonia has been the best thing I have done. They are so gentle and I think grateful that they have been helped. I love my little pack and thank the ladies who rescued them all so so much." - Meika